There’s something about this little corner of the internet that feels right. I mentioned it last time, but it bears repeating – this site feels like home. The kind of home where you can kick off your shoes, curl up in that one perfect chair, and just be.
I’m trying to keep my promise of posting something every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. So far, so good. But I’m also trying not to turn this pleasure into another item on my to-do list. The whole point was to create a space for the simple things, for the quiet moments that make up a life when you’re not looking. For reverie, not resume-building.
The older I get, the more I value ease. Not laziness – there’s a difference. Ease is finding the natural flow of things and moving with it instead of against it. It’s writing when the words are there and stepping back when they’re not. It’s recognizing that creativity isn’t a faucet you can turn on and off at will.
Speaking of creativity finding its own time, I’ve added a new section to the site. If you look up at the menu, you’ll see a tab called “Essays & Short Stories.” That’s where I’ll be collecting my longer pieces, the ones that need more room to breathe than these posts allow. They’re all free to read, though I do ask that you don’t copy or republish them elsewhere.
My latest piece is called “THE SENTINEL CATS OF LILAC COTTAGE.” It was pure joy to write. The idea came from a photograph a friend sent me – one of those images that immediately tells a story. The moment I saw it, I knew there was something there waiting to be uncovered. Isn’t it funny how inspiration works? Not with a thunderclap, usually, but with a quiet tap on the shoulder when you least expect it.
I hope you’ll check it out when you have a moment. And I hope you’re finding your own rhythm too, whatever that looks like.
Until Sunday, then.