If asked to choose a handful of the wisest of your profession who have come before you in previous generations, who would they be?
And upon studying their wisdom, learning of their ways, would you fashion your path after them, or would you look away and attempt to make it on your own?
If you did not have to be tethered to an office or a chair in front of a screen, what would you choose to do?
If you felt like your life was in shambles, who would you trust your thoughts? If you trusted your thoughts to them, would you trust their advice?
If asked to select one book to begin reading, and finish it, then pass it on to someone or donate it, what would that book be? Then, wait three days and choose another, what would your second one be?
If asked to choose one word that described or separated the gulf between success and failure in people what word would you select?
If someone said you reminded them of an onion with layers upon layers of skins, would that cause you to feel accomplished or would it make you feel weighted or stimulated by the load?
Have you ever suffered from the trauma of failure? Or struck down by the continued beating of voices linked to your past? Slowly working its way into a system out of balance and embedding inside your nervous system causing great harm to your healing and growth.
Have the old habits of your past almost destroyed the deeper qualities of your existence by your outer behavior?
If you could hold in your hands a system that has worked throughout the ages for the ancients, would you turn your focus toward these profound ways and rest in the stillness and life it could give you?
Would you take these lessons, proven through the course of time and plant your mind and thoughts on them, allowing the principles to guide you moment-by-moment into a new skin of life?
Or, would you continue to charter your course on perilous waters alien to a life of unnecessary knowledge and meaningless traditions to the changing of the times?
Can you let go of all darkness and flow through one thing that would surely create a stream of light so bright, illuminating each step in front of you that you would have no question in your mind that it was the right course of action?
Have you lived long enough in that old skin of yours?